No Mattress Donations!

Occasionally there is confusion about whether or not St. Vinnie’s takes mattress donations. Let there be no mistake—we do not take mattress donations. We used to take mattresses and that is where the confusion comes from. When we did, we listed on various websites that we did. If you still see us listed on a website…

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People Are Still Hungry!

During April of 2016 our Georgetown Food Bank served 2,098 families and 1,166 homeless neighbors. These numbers have remained constant for some time. When we started our FACES (food, assistance, compassion and emergency services) program about a year and a half ago, six neighbors came to the first event. Now between 50 and 100 come…

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June: Customer Appreciation Month at St. Vinnie’s!

Our customers mean so much to us! Without you our stores could not generate funds to support our programs to help people all over Seattle and King County. So we have created a special month to offer a “huge thanks” to the thousands of folks who shop with us. And for those of you reading this…

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Round Up Really Working–Thank You!

Our Round It Up for St. Vincent is really working and we are very grateful. Our shoppers have been generous and kind. In the past few weeks, shoppers have donated more than $6,000 The next time you shop with us, remember this. It is an easy way to donate money to us. With your permission, we…

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Relive Blue Dress Breakfast

It takes a village to host a successful fundraising event like our Third Annual Blue Dress Breakfast on Tuesday, May 10, 2016. Our Master of Ceremonies, John Curley, led the hour-long event that included a unique staff and student fashion show, an emotionally-charged video that told a story (see below) about one of our Centro Rendu clients,…

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