Today is Yellow Tag Monday. All items with Yellow Tags are just $.99 cents. That is a really good deal. See you today. All stores are open till 7 p.m. tonight! Here are our store locations

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Kenmore Mural: Support Maintenance Fund

The Kenmore Mural Project at St. Vincent de Paul was officially dedicated on Labor Day, September 5, 2016. Festivities included speeches, a ribbon cutting ceremony and sharing of lots of stories about the mural and the history and community of Kenmore. It was truly an amazing end of the beginning journey for the mural. It…

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Breakdown Racial Divides

This is an important article about relationships with each other. Written by SVdP Executive Director Ned Delmore, this op-ed piece reviews life changing events and realities. Take a long view. Think about your life experiences. We are all in this together. Opinion:   The Seattle Times It’s on us to recognize and break down racial divides.…

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Case Management Locations

The St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) Case Management Program assists people transition from barriers created by poverty, incarceration, homelessness and other distressed situations into positive and hope-filled new beginnings. The goals are to help people regain self-sufficiency, cultivate positive relationships, and begin to lead responsible lives in their communities. The most serious problems are mental…

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We Need Clothing Donations!

How to Donate Clothes in Seattle St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store Locations Our five St. Vincent de Paul thrift stores need clothing donations. Clothing is the cornerstone of store sales. The end of summer, back to school and preparation for fall are great times to be looking through closets and finding items to donate.…

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Don’t miss St. Vinnie’s Aug. 6th 50% Off Back to School Sale! See details below:

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