Day of Caring Volunteers!


We are so grateful to the United Way of King County and the 60 corporate volunteers who worked with us at this year’s Sept. 23rd Day of Caring. St. Vincent de Paul hosted groups of volunteers at a number of our thrift stores and at our Georgetown Food Bank.

Our volunteers were from Leibsohn & Company, Microsoft, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Virginia Mason and the central office of the United Way of King County. A special thank you goes out to all the volunteers and their companies for such hard work and enthusiasm! The volunteers engaged in valuable service projects that saved us hundreds of hours of labor. This effort is very important for us!

The store volunteers helped by sorting clothing, cleaning our sales floors and organizing clothing racks. The food bank volunteers helped distribute food to our neighbors at our FACES (Food, Assistance, Compassion, and Emergency Services) program. Thank You Day of Caring Volunteers!










