Relive Blue Dress Breakfast

It takes a village to host a successful fundraising event like our Third Annual Blue Dress Breakfast on Tuesday, May 10, 2016. Our Master of Ceremonies, John Curley, led the hour-long event that included a unique staff and student fashion show, an emotionally-charged video that told a story (see below) about one of our Centro Rendu clients, and a silent auction. Our Honorary Chairs this year, Pat Kennedy and Melissa Ries, have been major supporters and matched every donation over $250 since this event’s genesis. We also had generous contributors like Pat and Mary Welch who kicked off the Breakfast giving with their generous gift of $25,000. We are pleased to say our little yet mighty village helped raise close to $300,000. Our goal is $350,000 – could you help us get there? 

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If you prefer to write and mail in a check, please make it payable to:
St. Vincent de Paul of Seattle | King County
5950 4th Ave South
Seattle, WA 98108

In the meantime, check out the highlights below and relive the Blue Dress Breakfast:

The Story of Loina
Loina grew up with a single mother in Central America, where they both struggled to make ends meet. After much consideration, Loina felt it was more essential to support her mother by working rather than attend school. She was only ten-years-old.

In 2003, she decided to leave her country with hopes to find a better life in the United States. The struggles of living in a depressed economy and the dangers of gang violence exacerbated her challenges of being the single provider for her large household. Attempting to seek refuge in a foreign land, she faced hardships along the way that threatened her safety and well-being.

Loina heard about Centro Rendu through an outreach event at her son Josue’s school in Kent, which led her to St. Vincent de Paul. There, she found a safe haven to fill the void of being away from her homeland. Loina credits Centro Rendu with her strengthened ability to advocate for Josue at school and access a wide range of opportunities she only thought possible in her dreams. Below, she shares her personal narrative with us: 

Additionally, we could not have produced the Breakfast without the sponsorship of Seattle University and President Fr. Stephen Sundborg, SJ (featured below on left), please follow this link to view his prayer. Also, if you missed the moving remarks of Executive Director Ned Delmore (as shown below on right), please click this link.

Relive BDB Speakers

Missed the Event but Would Like to Donate?

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If you prefer to write and mail in a check, please make it payable to:
St. Vincent de Paul of Seattle | King County
5950 4th Ave South
Seattle, WA 98108