Sur Ta Table: Best Darn Shepherd’s Pie

Recently our neighbor Sur La Table concluded the last of four specially made lunch events for our Food, Assistance, Compassion, and Emergency Services Program (FACES) that we run every Friday from 11 a.m. to 12 Noon. We distribute food, personal hygiene items, clothing and other needed supplies exclusively to homeless individuals and families at our Georgetown Community Service Center and Food Bank.

The menu at the last event, prepared by their Supply Chain Team, was Shepherd’s Pie, chocolate chip cookies and oranges.  One of the Sur La Table team members said “we are going to make this the best darn Shepherd’s Pie anyone has even had”. And they did. Close to 90 individuals were served.

Special thanks to the Sur La Table Supply Chain Team including Eric Kang, Jon Worcester Becky Wilson, Annie Johnson, Paul Ediger, Denise Espe, Nolene Wold, Kailee Cha, Kerri Fenske, Jeremy Sirbu, Melinda Shabro, Karla Hagemier, Kim Gifford, Ben Johnson, Debbie Zamora, Jaime Sanchez, Evelyn Campo.

The group used all fresh ingredients and they even peeled and boiled 50 pounds of fresh potatoes for the tops of the pies!  Another team member brought fresh thyme and rosemary from her garden at home.

We are so grateful and thankful to have such good neighbors. They go above and beyond the call of duty helping us in a variety of ways, including food and clothing drives and these very special lunches for our homeless neighbors here in Georgetown.