We Must Own The Homeless Problem!

Food Bank Outside Line 12-21-15This is a brief message from Ned Delmore, Executive Director of St. Vincent de Paul in Seattle and King County. He took part in the One Night Count project this year.

“I needed to go into the woods early Friday morning on Jan. 29th with my friends from the Chief Seattle Club on the One Night Count project. It was cathartic, even in light of being in the midst of homeless people who are part of our daily work at St. Vincent de Paul. One Night Count helps us to begin to see and feel the other truth of our city.

As I walked about this night, I learned that finding my footing on some of the darker pathways was tricky. It caused me to think there is a deep vulnerability in all of us. I saw a bit of myself. We all walk a delicate tight rope with our own health and well-being. We wait and tremble; will we see the light tomorrow?

There is a universal humanity of needs that lives in all of us. This story needs to be told. I believe the entire One Night Count project needs to be intimate, more humanized. All need to be summoned to join in, to tell the story and to take action. Tent city 9-10-13

In our home visit ministry we must continue to keep and prevent the thousands of individuals and families we see daily from being evicted. It’s stunning how thin the line is for those on the verge of being evicted and how vital our very presence and response is in preventing homelessness.

Our beloved city is the tale of two cities. And our citizens, many who are gifted innovators and geniuses, need to know that they own this problem and have the collective tools to systemically respond to our other brothers and sisters.

All of us are connected to another and we must continue to Hunt down Poverty as our Patron Saint Rosalie Rendu has taught us.”