Thank You St. Catherine for Donations!

St Catherine Principal & Pastor10-26-15St. Catherine of Siena School, founded in 1941, bustles with over 250 students in kindergarten through eighth grade. Located in the Maple Leaf area in North Seattle, the school has held several “Drop off Your Children, Drop off Your Donations for St. Vincent de Paul in 2015. The first was in late May and the second was held in late October.

There were a number of parish staff, parents and volunteers who helped make this event happen. We are grateful to our St. Vincent de Paul Conference President John McDermott, St. Catherine Pastor Father Mark Kiszelewski and St. Catherine School Principal Pam Schwartz. Shown in photo are Pam Schwartz (left), and Father Mark Kiszelewski (right).

And we offer a huge thanks to all the parents who made donations of gently used clothing and small household items at the donation event. We left with more than half a truck of items that we can sell in our stores. Thank you for your generosity. Full Truck from St. Catherine 10-26-15