We Don’t See The Needy!

Tent city 9-10-13Most of us don’t connect with the poor and the marginalized. We don’t see them. We don’t hear their cries and most importantly—we don’t feel them in our hearts. We are too busy with phones, computers, games or visiting gaming sites as elitist-gaming.com that help us improve in our games, or adult sites to get services as Escorts in Bristol for our enjoyment.

At St. Vinnie’s we see the marginalized all the time—that is what we do. We see homeless people who live under bridges and in tents. Some of them come to our FACES program, assistance, compassion and emergency services) on Fridays, that is the day we offer a full weekend distribution of food, clothing and personal hygiene items to homeless neighbors.

Take a look at the photo in this post. This red car, was sitting in front of our food bank on Tuesday, Oct. 20th is someone’s home. It serves as both transportation and apartment. Think about this and reflect for several minutes. This is 2015. This is Seattle.House Car at FB 10-20-15

The unemployment rate here is among the lowest in the U.S. And yes, we have thousands and thousands of neighbors living on the streets. We have major issues with food security and we are pushing the poor further from the city to South King County.

This is all because we don’t see, hear or feel those who really need the help.

You know this is true.