SVdP Supports Transit Riders Union

Ned at transit Mtg Testimony 4-23-15St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) Executive Director Ned Delmore spoke at the Transit Rider’s Union Delegate gathering with members of the King County Council on April 22, 2015. SVdP supports the group’s goals and proposals to help reduce the impact of high bus fares on the working poor, people with low or fixed incomes and students.

Metro Transit fares have doubled in price since 2008. In 2011 a transit dependent senior citizen in King County paid $99 for transit in annual costs. Today that is $432. Along with over thirty other organizations in King County, St. Vincent de Paul supports the goals and aims of the Transit riders Union.

In testimony before the King County Council, Delmore said: “Our poor neighbors face multiple bureaucratic obstacles in dealing with systems that are supposed to help make their lives simpler. They’re told to stand in lines, forced to deal with phone trees, long “on-hold” times, or wait for online tips that don’t work. St. Vincent de Paul is asking the King County Council to stand up and defend the most vulnerable in our communities.”

Quoting the Transit Rider’s Union campaign statement: “If King County Metro needs a model, there’s one not far away. As of March 1, 2015, San Francisco’s Muni transit system offers free passes to all low and moderate income seniors, youth and people with disabili1es. We believe that King County should follow this example, rather than raising fares further for all these riders. We believe that free transit passes should also be available to all public school students in King County.”

SVdP believes that King County Metro should be doing everything possible to increase, not decrease, the use of public transit. Continuing to raise fares places incredible burdens on people with limited funds to use our bus system. The fare increases and reductions in service are particularly onerous for low the working poor, families and individuals on fixed incomes and people just struggling to get by. Here is the full text of the report: Steps Toward Affordable Transit for All/Transit Riders Union – April 22, 2015