St. Catherine Field Trip to SVdP

The sixth and seventh grade classes from St. Catherine School visited St. Vincent de Paul this week for a tour and an opportunity to volunteer in our Food Bank. We enjoy having students here to learn and help us and the students usually gain a new perspective on poverty and the poor.

On Tuesday, one student remarked that she was surprised how many people coming through the food bank looked normal and nice, instead of what people usually think poor people look like. Another student said that he noticed when he smiled at a guest, the person going through the line would smile back at him and another shared that it felt good to help change someone’s life.

Some people never learn the lesson that “poor people” are just people, like everyone else, who want to be treated with compassion and dignity. Thank you so much for visiting us and volunteering in our Food Bank, St. Catherine students!!

Pictures of the Sixth Grade Visit

Pictures of the Seventh Grade Visit