Meet Jasmin

Jasmin* is no stranger to hardship, or hope.

A single mom to two kids, Jasmin is working on getting financial aid for school and finding housing. A hard worker with a great attitude, Jasmin wants a better life for her family.

Mold in her apartment was damaging her and her son’s health. She was also fleeing an abusive domestic violence situation. Jasmin turned to St. Vincent de Paul of Seattle | King County (SVdP).

SVdP case managers assisted Jasmin in working with a new property manager to let her move in early. We helped her get a new apartment, provided financial support with move in costs, and provided a $200 security deposit. Our case managers also connected Jasmin to child care assistance and other resources, helping her secure the better life for her family that she had wanted.

Jasmin and her children love their new home.  It is safer, cleaner, and more affordable than the previous apartment. Our Case Management team continues to accompany Jasmin as she works to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) so that she can receive financial aid for school.

Jasmin is reaching goals for herself and her family. SVdP will continue to accompany Jasmin as she and her family gain stability and security.

Each year our SVdP Case Managers accompany people like Jasmin and her family, helping to meet essential needs and working to empower our neighbors so that they can achieve permanent well-being.

We’d love for you to join our network of care

*This is a fictional name in order to protect the identity of the neighbor and those involved.