Zumba with Vinnie
This past weekend was the first-ever Zumba Night Out event hosted by the women of the St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) St. Joseph Seattle Guild. Melanie Skinner, Bella McCarthy May, and Mary Ann Huddleston chaired this event to help raise funds for our agency’s programs and services. The energy was unequivocally contagious! The fundraiser event was coupled with an hour of intense yet feel-good dance, led by Melanie. An assortment of wine as well as platters of tasty sweet and savory foods was provided by families of Melanie, Bella, and Mary Ann, some of the members of our Development Advisory Board, and the Mount Baker Community Clubhouse. About 70 guests of all ages attended to support St. Vinnie’s!

SVdP St. Joseph Seattle Guild co-chair and Zumba instructor Melanie Skinner posing with two of her students
After the hour of Zumba concluded, the first words out of Melanie’s mouth were, “That was so much fun!” Indeed, it was. In total, our fantastic crew raised over $4,000! Every dollar donated will go directly back into programs and services in order to provide direct assistance to the local under-served communities in need.
We could not have done Zumba Night Out without the time, effort, and assistance from Melanie, Bella, and Mary Ann and their supportive families, our fun-loving and talented Development Advisory Board, SVdP staff, and most importantly attendees who supported us last night. You all helped make this happen, and we could not be more grateful for the opportunity to dance and laugh alongside each of you. There have been mentions of potentially hosting another Zumba Night Out event in the near future, so stay tuned!