Unemployed Mom Gets Help

Patricia is a single mother of three small children, who called us today because her power was turned off yesterday. She lost her job a few weeks ago and has no idea how she will get by until she finds another. The power company was able to close out her old account, which will send that amount (over $600) to collection eventually. What this means for now is that a deposit is due in order to restore service. Because of generous donors, we were able to pay that deposit, so service will be restored in the next 24 hours. Patricia is very likely to need further assistance and resources were given to her.


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Ensure that our neighbors have the help they need, when they need it. Our neighbors are dealing with tragic situations and seek help from St. Vincent de Paul of Seattle|King County every day. Thanks to our donors, they are able to receive assistance from St. Vincent de Paul of Seattle/King County when there is no one else who can help.