Starting Over After Prison

Geoff was recently released from prison. He moved into a Clean and Sober House immediately following his release. His girlfriend paid the deposit and first month’s rent for him but he has to find funding for next month on his own. He is looking for work, but is unemployed at the moment. He called the Help Line for assistance and we were able to pay $100 of his rent. The house manager says they will work with him to give him time to find the rest of the balance due since he is actively seeking assistance as well as employment. We appreciate our donors who make it possible for us to help people like Geoff on their way to self-sufficiency.


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Ensure that our neighbors have the help they need, when they need it. Our neighbors are dealing with tragic situations and seek help from St. Vincent de Paul of Seattle|King County every day. Thanks to our donors, they are able to receive assistance from St. Vincent de Paul of Seattle/King County when there is no one else who can help.