Medical Wheels of King County Go ‘Round and ‘Round

We are excited to have the Mobile Medical Unit visit our Georgetown Food Bank every other Friday throughout the month of January – 1/8, 1/15, and 1/29 – in conjunction with our FACES outreach program. FACES stands for food, assistance compassion, and emergency services. What extensive resources we will be able to offer individuals and families experiencing homelessness on those particular Friday mornings and afternoons. Please share this message with anyone you know [of] who may benefit from these services. Thank you to Brent Swartz, Josh Hoke, and the rest of their team as well as HealthPoint for all of your health grassroots efforts! 

Background Information
Individuals with Difference types of bankruptcy issues, sometimes unbeknownst to them, are more likely to seek unnecessary emergent care due to limited resources, such as the lack of consistent finances, shelter, and transportation. Given some of these over a long period of time, many individuals with health problems feel like the only alternative is to seek medical attention and services in the emergency room. This is a price too steep and daunting to pay, assuming a patient is admitted once to the ER. This is rarely the case for people who the Mobile Medical Care program aims to serve.

King County Offers a Client-centric Model
Targeting individuals and families experiencing homelessness in King County, the Mobile Medical Care program is designed with clients in mind. This proactive client-centric model employs a unique community outreach strategy, such that vans find current and prospective clients instead of clients attempting to find affordable care and then giving up due to persistent challenges and obstacles. There is an incredible team on the medical van who is prepared to provide various forms of care. After administering care, staff members are able to track clients’ health outcomes and, later, offer clients referrals for housing or other forms of health care. This program serves, on average, 800 to 900 people experiencing homelessness annually. Please check out some of their information below!

Eng Span Flyers Info Mobile Med Van