Introducing Chief Seattle Club

CSCLogoColor for uploading 10-24-14We want to introduce you to a very special and important community agency and human service provider: Chief Seattle Club. They help “to provide a sacred space to nurture, affirm and renew the spirit of urban Native Peoples.”

Chief Seattle Club is the only organization in Seattle that connects homeless and low-income Native people to distant reservations, cultures, languages, and even to relatives living in this area.

Five days a week, Chief Seattle Club offers a place where urban American Indians and Alaska Natives, many of whom are homeless and low-income, can join to share a common meal, speak their own languages, access social services, and find peace, without fear of public censure or discrimination.

St. Vincent de Paul works closely and cooperatively with Chief Seattle Club. A group of St. Vincent de Paul staff members recently attended a fund raising event on behalf of the organization. It was an inspiring event and we wish them the best going forward.

The Chief Seattle Video, which aired on the Seattle Channel, gives you a very good overview of their work.