Immaculate Conception: Growing Volunteer Conference
St. Vincent de Paul recently celebrated a great gathering and commissioning of Vincentians (local neighborhood volunteers) at one of our most venerable Seattle Catholic Parishes and communities, Immaculate Conception on Capitol Hill.
Immaculate Conference volunteer members Sharon Miller and Zeke Anderson, working collaboratively with Stephanie Ragland from the St. Vincent de Paul Council staff, have re-energized and reconstituted this volunteer Conference. They have infused new energy and growth along the way. The Conference is now includes 12 members and is growing.
Ned Delmore, Executive Director of St. Vincent de Paul of Seattle|King County, spoke to the Conference about their work, spirit and love they have for their community.
“We need this great Parish and Conference as they remain a beacon of hope in our Seattle community for those living on the fringes of our society,” said Delmore. Congratulations Immaculate Conception!