Frederic Ozanam: A Life of Compassion and a Lasting Legacy

Frederic Ozanam was born in Milan, Italy, in 1813, and was a man of deep faith and unwavering compassion. Known as the founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, his beliefs created the foundation for how our organization operates today – dedicated to serving neighbors who need it most. Ozanam was a great…

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Help for Maui

The Lahaina wildfires have drastically effected Maui leaving many without food, water, clothing, housing, and other basic essentials. St. Vincent de Paul has always been dedicated to helping neighbors who need it most and with your support, we can continue to provide person-to-person recovery services to families impacted by disasters across the United States. There…

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St. Vincent de Paul and KidVantage Partnership: Providing Essentials for Children

After 32 years Eastside Baby Corner (EBC), is proud to announce their new name, KidVantage. While their mission remains the same “helping kids reach their full potential tomorrow by meeting their basic needs today,” KidVantage, formerly known as Eastside Baby Corner, is still dedicated to providing essentials for children, while building a strong foundation to…

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Centro Rendu’s Día del Niño Celebration

Celebration of Children’s Day! The last day of April every year marks a special occasion, Día del Niño or Children’s Day, a national celebration of children and childhood. This day recognizes children, pays homage to their importance in society, and endorses their well-being. This year, with the generous support of the St. Anthony’s Parish Community…

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Vincentian Appreciation Luncheon

St. Vincent de Paul of Seattle | King County recently hosted its annual Vincentian Appreciation Luncheon to celebrate the dedication of each Vincentian and their contribution in Christian service to their neighbors in need. Over 250 Vincentians from different Conferences throughout Seattle and King County attended the event. During the luncheon, nine Vincentians were recognized…

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Join Our Network of Friends

You’re invited to join our Network of Friends which introduces the Vincentian Spirit of Friendship in action. Inspired by our founders, the purpose of the Network of Friends campaign is to continue our mission work – staying dedicated to bringing hope to people of all cultures and traditions in neighborhoods throughout Seattle and King County.…

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