Turn the Lights Back On

The Gomez family in Seattle had their water turned off the day they called for assistance. The husband was laid off and is waiting on income to begin from a retraining program in which he is enrolled. The wife is on unemployment. The house was at risk of foreclosure. They applied for a modification in order to save…

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Cancer Survivor: Road to Wellness

Cancer Survivor on the Road to Wellness George has cancer and is undergoing aggressive treatment for it. He has been unable to work since treatment began and has no way to pay his rent or other utilities. He does receive $197 a monthly stipend for his disability. This does not even cover his $610 rent. Together…

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Rogelio Stays in His Home

Rogelio has been rebuilding his life from addiction and criminal convictions.  He is working full-time for a local non-profit that specializes in helping those with barriers to employment, find and keep work. He has had an apartment for the last six months and is well on the road to self-sufficiency.  With rent taking up about half of…

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Jack Finds a Home

Jack is 68 years old and homeless. He had an apartment, but the building was sold and the rent was raised to more than his Section 8 voucher allotted. Jack has been staying with friends since he was forced to move. He recently found a new apartment, but did not have enough to cover the…

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Mom Keeps Family's Water On

Sarah is a single mom with 4 children. She works part time at a retail store, which means that her hours can vary greatly and her earnings fluctuate as a result. Getting by is a constant struggle for this mother and her family and she feels like it is “one bill after another.” This family’s…

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Henrietta Set to Return Home After Accident

Henrietta is 99 years old. While living in a very modest income, she was very self-sufficient until last week when she fell and broke her hip. She is currently at a rehabilitation center, waiting to come home. Her daughter called SVdP to seek assistance for her mother’s past due power bill. The account was set…

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