A Dose of Reality

tent-city-9-10-13This story was relayed to us by one of our case managers:

“We just met with a family, a young man and his wife. She is expecting their first child, due around Christmas. They were brought in by their friends, another couple that has five children.

They live in a local tent city alternative community. They were looking for help with the $30 rent fee for the camp. They also asked about a clothing voucher and bus tickets. More importantly and perhaps more impact fully, the man asked about a job.

One of our stores was hiring a donation attendant. We introduced him to the manager. And he applied for the position. We let him know he could come see us at the case management office to get practical help in his job search. We offered to help him write his resume. We also offered to look up and help him apply for jobs.

He was very forthright with us—telling us how difficult it is to be in this position—no job and no home and a family. He said he never thought that he would be in this position — especially with their first child being born in around Christmas.

The family left feeling visibly lifted and empowered to move ahead. The looks on their faces were filled with hope. That is why we are grateful to our donors, who help us with funds to assist people like this family.”