Unbreakable Circle of Light!

ned-holiday-message-image-12-12-16Greetings to our wonderful staff, Vincentian volunteers, and community supporters:

As we move into this holiday season of darkness and light we wait and listen and I pause to reflect on what I’m grateful for. For the young child born homeless in a manger who brought us the Spirit that guides and animates our hearts and the ministry work at SVdP. From the tireless hours you give serving our neediest brothers and sisters and your generosity of time, treasure and presence, I give thanks.

It has been a challenging and humbling year where I have had the Joyful task of connecting with many of you. I was given the opportunity to meet with some of you and listen and hear your heart-felt feelings and thoughts and see face to face the COMMUNITY of SVdP united in our mission to the poor.

When you take a moment to look closely and notice our community, the family of SVdP, all of what we do is connected to the broader circle of our common humanity. The web of interrelationships from our faithful food bank, to our helpline and case management from dispatch and recycle to our vital thrift stores. From our administrative offices that touch into our 50+ conferences and 1,100 Vincentian home visits to some 34k individuals we see, to our educational outreach through Centro Rendu. These are threads of life that bind us together and the 120k people we serve yearly.

If one thread breaks others feel the tension and pull. When another thread is created and weaved into the broader tapestry of our service there is a deepening and strengthening of our mission foundation. These are your human hands I speak of that holds in place the circle of light in the SVdP community. We are indebted to all of you.

I want to extend my warmest wishes and gratitude to you and your families and wish you a joyful and peace filled Christmas and holiday season.

Ned Delmore | Executive Director