Joe’s Life Changing Event

Joe Mechanic iStock_000001299182Large pic monkeyWe want to introduce you to Joe (not his real name), a challenging case one of our neighborhood Conferences recently encountered. It all started when the Conference received a call asking if we could help this middle-aged man. Joe was 54 and had been a highly successful aviation mechanic until 2012, when he was brutally assaulted with a baseball bat.

He sustained a fractured skull, broken cheekbone, smashed eye socket, the loss of seven teeth, and a traumatic brain injury that has left him with significant impairments. As a result, he is now not able to work. While Joe is but a shadow of what he once was, his spirit and courage to overcome his problems remain undiminished. The cumulative effect of this tragic and life threatening situation has wiped out all of Joe’s savings and his retirement fund.

Worse yet, he has been unable to handle the complex application process to get federal disability support (to which he is entitled) because he either cannot remember or just forgets appointments, to reply to letters or to execute various emails. When we asked Joe what he most needed he said “someone with experience to guide me through the application process and advocate for me”.

Thanks to the SVdP new Case Management program, Joe’s case has been taken on by one of Seattle’s leading law firms that specializes in disability cases.

Joe is now getting the kind of help most people with his issues would never receive, thanks to SVdP.