Our Annual Report is Here

Thank you for your interest in St. Vincent de Paul.

To view a PDF version of our Annual Report, CLICK HERE.

When you think St. Vincent de Paul, remember:

SVdP is COMPASSIONATE. We serve everyone. Period. Our programs help 200,000 annually.

SVdP is LOCAL. We’ve been working here for over 90 years. We are an independent 501(c)(3). Money donated to us stays here in King County.

SVdP is GREEN. Our programs recycle and reuse over 4,000,000 lbs. annually. We’ve been a pioneer and leader in recycling since 1926. Thrift stores are all about reuse.

SVdP is EFFICIENT. About 90 cents of every dollar donated goes to programs.

For more information, please email giving@svdpseattle.org or call 206.767.9975.

Our Programs

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The mission of St. Vincent de Paul is to leads individuals to join together to offer person-to-person service to the poor and the suffering. To do this, St. Vincent de Paul of Seattle|King County manages a variety of social service programs:

Home Visits

At the heart of St. Vincent de Paul service is the “home visit,” where volunteers visit neighbors in their homes. Neighborhood group volunteers make thousands of these in-home person-to-person visits annually. These visits help determine the exact nature and detail of help required. Home visits are effective because they give us a true and more accurate assessment of the needs of the individuals and the family. People who need help often don’t have to take time off from work, arrange for child care, or find transportation. [Learn More…]

Help Line Center

St. Vincent de Paul Seattle|King County Help Line is the “front door” through which people in need access our services. We average between 175 and 200 calls per day from people asking for assistance from all over King County. In 2012 we received over 44,000 calls. We receive all kinds of calls and our Help Line Call Center team of staff and volunteers treat everyone with respect and dignity. [Learn More…]

Case Management


The St. Vincent de Paul Case Management Program assists people transition from barriers created by poverty, incarceration, homelessness and other distressed situations into positive and hope-filled new beginnings. The goals are to help people regain self-sufficiency, cultivate positive relationships, and begin to lead responsible lives in their communities. [Learn More…]

Food Bank

“Everyone Eats Today” is the motto for our Georgetown Food Bank. We helped distributed over 1,200,000 pounds of food in 2012 to over 145,000 needy individuals and families. People coming to the Food Bank can expect to receive quality produce, meats, dairy products, frozen foods, and of course non-perishable items. [Learn More…]

Health Assessments

Basic health care is a major concern for thousands of people in our King County communities. As a result of the seriousness of this issue, we have implemented a basic health assessment program at our Seattle Food Bank. [Learn More…]

Centro Renducr

Centro Rendu is a new program started by St. Vincent de Paul of Seattle|King County to communicate with and provide services to the Hispanic Community in King County. We thoughtfully engage Hispanic families, individuals, organizations and the larger community to better understand and respond to the needs, barriers, and hopes of Hispanic individuals and families. [Learn More…]

Operation Veteran Renewal

SVdP works with veterans and advocates for them to obtain the services they deserve. We support veterans in establishing coping strategies, maintaining resiliency, identifying strengths and transferring skills, andcreating a new purpose and a renewed sense of community. We provide case management and other kinds of services to veterans who are experiencing difficulty returning to civilian life. We help everyone, regardless of discharge status. That is a unique feature of working with St. Vincent de Paul. [Learn More…]

Thrift Stores

When you shop with St. Vincent de Paul, you are getting very good value for the cost of your purchases. How? Sales receipts from our stores are a major part of our fund raising efforts. Therefore, when you buy something at one of our stores, your shopping expenses support our mission of helping the poor and suffering. [Learn More…]