Join our Network of Care

Responding with Mercy & Compassion in a time of Crisis

COVID-19 has brought new challenges into the lives of our neighbors who reach out to us every day of the year. Thanks to people like you who give what they can, St. Vincent de Paul of Seattle|King County (SVdP) brings help and hope to the lives of the most vulnerable families and individuals in Seattle|King County.

For the past 100 years, our volunteers have visited neighbors and responded by listening deeply to their fears and concerns. During COVID-19, we’re still here. This year has ravaged the lives of essential workers and their families, and we continue to strengthen them through our Centro Rendu program. Our Foodbank in Georgetown is working tirelessly to make sure our neighbors have enough nutritious food. Our Helpline has been flooded with calls for food and financial assistance.

Sandra, a mother of three, works hard to support and care for her family. When she lost her job as a restaurant worker at the onset of the pandemic and the state’s shutdown mandate, she and her family faced new economic challenges. Sandra, who is a participant in our Centro Rendu programs, poured out her anxiety to us.

“I don’t know what to do! Should I spend what I have left on groceries or pay for my rent!”

The impacts of COVID-19 on neighbors like Sandra led us to respond in a bigger way. We quickly opened a new food distribution site at our Kent store. As the positive cases of COVID-19 spread, we organized our response to include home-deliveries to individuals and families affected by the pandemic.

Whether it’s the pandemic of poverty or a global pandemic like COVID-19, SVdP will keep responding with care and compassion. Together we form a powerful network of care that is a source of hope and compassion. As our founder, Frédéric Ozanam put it, the vision of SVdP “is to embrace the world in a network of charity.”

We’d love for you to join our network of care.