Donate: Help Reduce Homelessness

Donate — Home Visits Reduce Homelessness

One verifiable method of reducing homelessness in Seattle is to have a system in place that anticipates a potential eviction, coordinates decision-making and resources, and stops this action from occurring. St. Vincent de Paul has this system in place. It is helping to prevent evictions. Read More

Help Reduce Homelessness!

SVdP Seattle Television Commercial

We are utilizing important pieces of our Lydia Story video for this TV commercial. It is 30 seconds in length and will run on Comcast Spotlight. Because of budget restrictions, the commercial can only run in select zones in parts of the City of Seattle. It does an excellent job of introducing you to our services.

The 2018 Donor Impact Report

This report reviews our key St. Vincent de Paul programs and provides insight into our performance in the past two fiscal years. Please email if you would like additional information. Read More