SVdP Thanks RealNetworks Foundation!

Thanks to the Real Networks Foundation, St. Vincent de Paul of Seattle| King County (SVdP) has been added to the list of Pearl Jam’s Banding Together Diversion Agencies that help fight homelessness in the Puget Sound Region.

So how did this come about? Here is the story.

First, RealNetworks is a partner of Pearl Jam’s Banding Together to Fight Homelessness initiative, which raised nearly $11 million this summer to provide grants to community-based agencies working on the homelessness issue in the Puget Sound Region.

Second, SVdP received a generous and supportive $10,000 Community Enhancement Grant from the RealNetworks Foundation in late summer of 2018.

Third, according to Kathryn Shields, Director of the RealNetworks Foundation, SVdP “was included on the list of Pearl Jam Banding Together-aligned-grants because the agency either directly helps people who are currently homeless or helps to prevent people from becoming homeless in the first place by providing much-needed support services.”

Ms. Shields went on to note that “on our (RealNetworks Foundation) aligned-grantee list we also highlighted the specific program that we’re supporting at your agency (St. Vincent de Paul) and a little about the people you serve in an effort to further promote the work that you do.”

She said Pearl Jam Banding Together Agencies include those that deal with four categories of service for the homeless including (1) Diversion, (2) Outreach, Engagement & Support, (3) Housing, and (4) System Change—System Capacity.

Here is the link to the Pearl Jam website. Remember that beneficiaries are listed alphabetically by agency name.

Ms. Shields added, “Pearl Jam included your agency’s name (SVdP) with a short mission statement and a link to your agency’s website on its Banding Together beneficiary page which includes recipients of aligned-grants, like the ones the RealNetworks Foundation made.”

She said, “Pearl Jam deserves real credit for rallying a diverse group of individuals, foundations and corporations to do our part. But, it is only because of agencies like yours that money can be translated into services, action and real results.”

St. Vincent de Paul Thanks the RealNetworks Foundation!