Monday-Friday, 8:00am - 3:00pm
You can also request help by using the Online Assistance Request Form, available Monday - Friday, 7:00am - 7:00pm

Helpline Staff Can Assist With:
Rent & Utility Assistance
Food & Basic Needs Supplies
Scheduling a Home Visit
The Home Visit: Our volunteer outreach teams - called Vincentians - visit people right in their homes, ensuring they not have to take time off from work, arrange for childcare, or find transportation in order to meet. Home visits give us a true assessment of the complex needs of the individuals and families requesting help.
By offering a listening ear, St. Vincent de Paul works with families to identify solutions and helps people avoid eviction and homelessness by providing urgently-needed rent and utility assistance, food, gas, and other basic needs. We provide referrals other agencies and services when necessary, provide space to build a relationship, promote self-sufficiency, and above all, treat every human with dignity and respect.
The SVDP Helpline
Call now for assistance with urgent needs like food, rent, and utilities.
Volunteer With Us
Lending a hand to neighbors in need is core of what we do.
Join the Network of Care
Learn more about how to support the mission of St Vincent de Paul.